Cargobase Spotlight: Cecilia Parra, Regional Sales Manager (Mexico)

Cecilia Parra is the Regional Sales Manager for the Mexico. Find out about her journey in Cargobase and what inspires her in life!

Cargobase Spotlight - Cecilia Parra

Since the start of her career in logistics, Cecilia Parra has always been captivated by the industry's constant evolution. After joining Cargobase, she was empowered to develop herself further and discover deeper fulfillment by forging positive relationships with shippers through multiple successful Cargobase TMS implementations.

Not only is Cecilia an experienced veteran in the industry with over 10 years worth of experience, she is also an individual with a very dynamic personality, a sweetheart to be around with and an absolute team player who’s always willing to contribute. Joining us today to shed some light is Cecilia herself!

Hola Cecilia! Will you give us a brief introduction with a fun fact about yourself?

Cecilia: Sure. I’m Cecilia Parra, the regional sales manager of Cargobase overseeing the Mexican market. I first joined Cargobase about 2 years ago as a customer success manager for the North American region and when we expanded to Mexico, I had the honour to open the office and transitioned myself to become what I am today! The entire journey to help clients #GetShipDone has been a rewarding one and I'm so grateful to have experienced it.

Aside from fulfilling the duties of my 9 to 5 role as a regional sales manager, I’m also studying to become a floral designer!

Tell us what do you love most about Cargobase?

Cecilia: I love the fact that Cargobase is a company where everyone can truly be themselves, have fun while working, and at the same time, feel a sense of accomplishment whenever we help our customers make their lives easier with Cargobase TMS!

It’s also a company that has a diverse workforce as we have teams situated across different parts of the world. Such an environment provides us with the invaluable opportunity to learn about different cultures and discover the means to support each other when we don’t get to see each other physically all the time.

What’s your passion/mantra in life?

Cecilia: There’s this quote by the famous Greek philosopher, Epictetus that resonates deeply with me: “It’s not what happens to you, it’s how you react to it.”. Personally, I'm a mum with a disabled child. Life was challenging for him at the start, but he has learned to develop immense resilience over time.

Seeing him relentlessly overcoming his obstacles in life has always been a great motivation for me to pursue my goals no matter the situation, and it’s essential to have motivation especially when I’m in sales.

Share with us the very best advice you could give for Getting Ship Done.

Cecilia: I think every shipper needs to embrace the information age now and actionable data will be the key to achieve success moving forward. There’s this saying “What is not measured cannot be improved” which rings very true to all of us in this day and age, and many companies are starting to realize the importance of insights throughout their supply chain.

So, why not start to #GetShipDone with Cargobase and gain actionable insights to find out what needs to be improved right?

Looking to boost your freight perfomance and efficiency? Be sure to contact us to schedule for a FREE consultation and find out how Cargobase TMS can unleash the full potential of your supply chain!

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